The State Education Development Agency (VIAA) is a direct administration institution which is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science.
VIAA operates in accordance with Cabinet Regulations of 18 December 2012 No. 934.
In accordance with the Regulation, the aim of the activities of VIAA is to implement the national policy in the field of development of higher education, lifelong learning system, vocational education system and general education system and to implement and monitor projects financed by European Union (EU) Structural Funds, education innovation projects, EU programmes and other financial instrument programmes, projects and initiatives.
VIAA functions:
- to ensure the fulfilment of obligations of the cooperation authority involved in management of the EU Structural Funds as regards the activities of the EU Structural Funds in education,
- ensure the implementation of action, cooperation and mobility programmes established by decisions of the European Parliament and of the Council in Latvia in the fields of lifelong learning and education,
- ensure the implementation of Erasmus+ programme in Latvia in the field of school education, vocational training, higher education and adult learning,
- ensure the participation of Latvia in the Euroguidance and Eurydice networks in accordance with the aims and tasks set out in EU guidelines,
- ensure the administration of the European Economic Area financial instrument and Norway financial instrument programmes and projects,
- ensure implementation of the Nordic Council of Ministers education and research programme “Nordplus Framework Programme”,
- ensure provision of information and advice on EU cooperation programmes with other countries of the world in the field of the development of higher education, lifelong learning system and vocational education system,
- organise selection of candidates under the European Language Label initiative,
- ensure cooperation with foreign institutions and units of international organisations in scholarship programmes offered by foreign and international organisations in the field of education policy,
- ensure implementation of international cooperation projects and EU policy initiatives in Latvia in the field of education policy,
- ensure cooperation of the institutions involved in the career guidance support system,
- ensure attraction, accumulation and management of financial resources for implementation of education innovation projects,
- ensure engagement, selection of and finance for foreign nationals and residents of Latvia for studies, research and participation in international summer schools in higher education within the framework of international agreements in the sector,
- ensure implementation of information, publicity and support measures for EU external cooperation policy instruments in the field of education policy,
- ensure implementation of international research in the field of education policy,
- ensure participation of Latvia in international vocational education competitions for students and alumni (Euroskills, WorldSkills).